Our organisation

Data of public interest

1. Organisational and staff data

1.1. Contact, organisation, leaders

I. Disclosure unit - Contact details

Official name (full name)

HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences


15-17. road Konkoly Thege Miklós, Budapest, 1121

Postal address (PO Box address, if available)

15-17. road Konkoly Thege Miklós, Budapest, 1121

Phone number

+36 1 391 9320, +36 1 391 9322

Central e-mail address

titkarsag @ csfk.hun-ren.hu

URL of the website


Customer service or public contact contact details

Not relevant

Name of the customer service or public relations manager

Not relevant

Order of reception

Not relevant

II. Disclosure Unit - The organisational structure

Diagram of the organisational structure (with the departments and their heads)


III. Disclosure unit - Heads of the body

Names, titles and contact details of the head or heads of the body and, in the case of a body corporate, of the members of the body

Director General

Names, titles and contact details of heads of department

Deputy Director-General
Head of Finances
Director of the Konkoly Thege Miklós Institute of Astronomy
Director of the Geographical Institute
Director of the Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research
Head of the Research Centre Library

1.2. Budgetary bodies supervised

1.3. Economic entities

I. Disclosure unit - Entities owned by or with the participation of the body

The name, registered office, contact details (telephone, fax, geographical location, postal address, e-mail address) of the entities which are majority-owned or directly controlled by the public body

Full name: Hungarian Astronomy Nonprofit Limited Liability Company
English name: Hungarian Astronomical Nonprofit Ltd.
Headquarters: 15-17 Konkoly Thege Miklós út, H-1121 Budapest, Hungary
Central administration and mailing address: H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 15 -17.
Phone number: +36 30 358 5120,
Email address: magyarcsillagaszat @ gmail.com

Description of the activities of the above entities

Principal activity:7490 Mns. other professional, technical and scientific activities

Name of the representative of the above entities

Dr. Áron Kiss Keve Managing Director

The extent of the public authority's participation in the above entities

100% ownership

1.4. Public foundations

1.5. Journals

I. Disclosure unit - Journals

Names of the journals established by the public service body; Names and contact details of the editorial offices and publishers of the newspapers established by the public service body; Names of the editors-in-chief of the newspapers established by the public service body

Hungarian Geographical Bulletin (HunGeoBull)

1.6. Superior authority, supervisory, legality controls or oversight body

I. Disclosure unit - Body exercising supervisory, oversight, legal control or supervision

The official name (full name), registered office, contact details (telephone, fax, geographic location, postal address, e-mail address), website address of the body responsible for the public body or the supervisory body of the public body, or of the body exercising control or supervision over the public body, or of the body exercising control or supervision over the public body, in the absence of such control or supervision, the address of the website

Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN HQ)
H-1052 Budapest, Piarista utca 4.

Contact details (telephone number, fax number, place of reception, postal address) of the customer service or public contact of the body responsible for the public service or of the supervisory body or of the body responsible for the public service, or of the body competent to hear appeals against decisions of the public authority, or, failing this, of the body exercising control or supervision over the public service, and customer reception policy

Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN HQ)
H-1052 Budapest, Piarista utca 4.

1.7. Budgetary bodies

2. Activity, operational data

I. Disclosure Unit - The basic activity, tasks and powers of the body

The basic legislation, public law instruments and the rules of organisation and operation or rules of procedure of the body with public-service mission, in force and in full, which define the tasks, powers and core activities of the body, the data protection and data security policy

Founding Act
Accreditation Certificate 2022
Rules of Organisation and Operation
Privacy and data security policy

II. Disclosure Unit- Data on the order in which official business is conducted

III. Disclosure unit - Public services

IV. Disclosure unit - Records of the body

V. Disclosure unit – Publicly available publications

The titles of the public publications of the body with public-service mission; A description of the subject of the public publications of the body with public-service mission; How to access the public publications of the body with public-service mission; The rate of the charge or the fact that the public publications of the body with public-service mission are free of charge

CSI: http://www.konkoly.hu/intezeti-kiadvanyaink

FGI: –
FTI: http://hungarian-geography.hu/konyvtar/kiadv_ossz.html

Works published in digital format only:
Printed, digitised volumes, series:

Electronic publications are free of charge. Printed works can be purchased at the prices indicated in the Library of the Geographical Institute.

VI. Disclosure unit - Decision-making, meetings

VII. Disclosure Unit - Decisions, concepts, drafts, proposals of the body

VIII. Disclosure Unit - Calls for proposals

IX. Disclosure Unit - Notices

Notices and announcements published by the public service body

Public procurement notices:
Job advertisements:

X. Disclosure unit - Request for data of public interest

A közérdekű adatok megismerésére irányuló igények intézésének rendje

Közérdekű adatok megismerésére irányuló igények teljesítésének rendjéről

Name of the data protection officer or information rights officer


Compulsory statistical returns on data of public interest for a given body


General contractual conditions for the use and exploitation of data of public interest held by public sector bodies


List of contracts for the exploitation of data of public interest to which the public sector body is a contracting party


XI. Disclosure unit - Publication lists

Specific publication list for the public task body

Unique publication list for the public task body

annual reports and outstanding achievements of the research centre/institute
research centre/institutional strategies
data of public interest of the Hungarian Astronomy Nonprofit Ltd

3. Management data

3.1. Legality of operations, controls

I. Disclosure unit - List of inspections and controls

List of investigations and audits relating to the core business of the public sector body containing public findings

The investigations and audits so far have not resulted in any public findings

II. Disclosure unit - Audits by the State Audit Office

Public findings of audits by the State Audit Office of Hungary

The investigations and audits so far have not resulted in any public findings

III. Disclosure unit - Other inspections and investigations

Public findings of other audits and investigations concerning the body.

The investigations and audits so far have not resulted in any public findings

IV. Disclosure unit - Operational effectiveness, performance

Indicators and their values, changes over time, used to characterise the performance, capacity, efficiency and performance of the public service body.

Annual reports:
"Mathematics and Natural Sciences", under the name of the research centre.

V. Disclosure unit - Operational statistics

Results of statistical data collection based on legislation on the activity of the public authority and changes over time.

Scientific publications: www.mtmt.hu (MTA Law.)

3.2. Budgets, reports

I. Disclosure Unit - Annual budgets

Annual (elementary) budgets of the body with public-service mission


II. Disclosure Unit - Accounting statements

The accounts of the public body under the Accounting Act.

III. Publication unit - Implementation of the budget

The accounts of the body entrusted with public tasks on the implementation of the budget, in the manner and at the frequency laid down by specific legislation.


3.3. Budgets, reports

I. Disclosure unit - Employees

Aggregated data on the number of employees and their allowances in the public service.

193 persons, 1 342 054 058 HUF/year (2020)

The aggregate amount of salaries, wages and regular allowances and reimbursements of expenses of directors and senior management.

5 persons, 94 114 745 HUF/year (2020)

Types and total amount of benefits granted to other employees. External staff benefits

150 393 377 HUF/year (2020)

II. Disclosure Unit - Grants

III. Disclosure unit - Contracts

Contracts relating to the use of public funds and the management of public property with a value of HUF 5 million or more for the purchase of goods, construction works, services, sale of property, use of property, transfer of property or rights of property value and concession

Contracts over HUF 5.000.000,-

IV. Disclosure unit - Concessions

V. Disclosure unit - Other payments

VI. Disclosure Publication unit - Developments supported by the European Union

Description of the developments supported by the European Union and the contracts relating to them.

GINOP KHK, GINOP TAO, GINOP ZBL. By providing direct access to documents, contracts.

VII. Disclosure unit - Public procurement

Public procurement information: annual plan, summary of the evaluation of tenders, contracts concluded.


4. Reporting abuse

CSFK abuse reporting (whistleblowing policy)

CSFK abuse report form (DOCX)
CSFK abuse report form (PDF)

Whistleblower protection

Whistleblower protection