Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research

The history of the Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research began in 1950, when the Hungarian Academy of Sciences established a research group at ELTE to develop geochemistry, which led to the establishment of the Geochemical Research Laboratory (GKL) in 1955, headed by Academician Elemér Szádeczky-Kardoss. The GKL moved to the research building on Budaörs út in 1975, where it first operated as part of a research centre and then independently as the Geochemical Research Institute from 2000. With the establishment of the CSFK, the institute's research area was extended to include geological investigations. In the field of geology, the CSFK mainly carries out and plans to carry out research in structural geology, hydrogeology and environmental geology in the broader sense, while in the field of basic geochemistry, the main research areas are rock genetics, mineralogy, environmental geochemistry and archaeometry. The laboratory basis for the research is provided by laboratories for microscopy, rock chemistry, mineral structure and chemistry, and isotope geochemistry.

Attila Demény
H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45.
Phone: +36 1 319-3137
Director: Attila Demény
cathodoluminescence image of diamonds
cathodoluminescence microscopic image of calcite