Research Groups of the Konkoly Thege Miklós Astronomical Institute

Naprendszerkutató csoport
Solar System Research Group
Kiss Csaba

Csillagpulzáció, űrfotometria, exobolygók
Stellar pulsations, space photometry, exoplanets (SPEX) Research Group
Szabó Róbert (része: SeismoLab Élvonal kutatócsoport – Asteroseismic Laboratories, Forefront Research Excellence Group – Molnár László)

Asztrofizikai és Geokémiai Laboratórium kutatócsoport
Astrophysical and Geochemical Laboratory Research Group
Kereszturi Ákos

Konkoly Space Astronomy, Planet and Star Formation Group (Konkoly SA-PSF Group)
Konkoly Space Astronomy, Planet and Star Formation Group (Konkoly SA-PSF Group)
Ábrahám Péter (Kóspál Ágnes)

Műszer- és Műholdfejlesztő Kutatócsoport
Satellite and Instrumentation Research Group
András Pál

RADIOSTAR Kutatócsoport
ERC RADIOSTAR Research Group
Lugaro Maria

Csillagaktivitás Kutatócsoport
Stellar Activity Research at Konkoly Observatory (STARK)
Kővári Zsolt

Extragalactic Astrophysics Research Group (from 2017)
Extragalactic Astrophysics Research Group
Vinkó József

Nagyskálás Struktúra MTA Lendület Kutatócsoport
Large-Scale Structure (LSS) MTA Lendület Research Group
Kovács András


Reseach Groups belonging to CSFK

High Energy Astronomy Research Group Lajos G., Balázs
Group Leader: Dr. Balázs Lajos György
Group Members: Bagoly Zsolt (ELTE TTK),Horváth István (NKE HHK), Kelemen János (MTA CSFK CSI), Kóbori József (ELTE TTK)
A brief description of research topics:

  • General scientific background:Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are sudden flashes in the sky. In recent decades, significant advances have been made in understanding the physics of GRBs, including the discovery of X-ray, optical and radio afterglows and high-energy (GeV) radiation, the identification of parent galaxies at cosmological distances, and the linking of the origin of GRBs to star-forming regions and supernovae.
  • Scientific results expected from the research:
  • If the research objectives are achieved, the following questions can be answered:
    1. What new results will the synoptic analysis of the outbreaks gamma-, X-ray, optical, and if possible, radio measurements give?
    2. How does the local interstellar environment of GRBs affect the optical transients?
    3. What is the role of the correct Galactic foreground estimation in obtaining information about the local environment of GRBs?
    4. Can we estimate the proportion of high-energy Galactic and extragalactic photons detected by the Fermi LAT?
    5. What information can be obtained from follloe-up measurements in the infrared range about the host galaxies?
    6. What is the relationship between the star formation rate and the rate of GRBs?
    7. Is there a difference between low and high redshift GRBs?