Name of the Programme: Interreg Hungary-Slovakia Programme
Project title: Reduction of water pollution through wastewater treatment investments in the Ipoly/Ipeľ river basin
dear visitor,
Welcome to the website of the HUN-REN Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences.
From January 1, 2024, the Research Center will continue its activities under the name HUN-REN Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences (HUN-REN CSFK), as part of the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Network, as a central budgetary authority under the control of the HUN-REN Center.
The name of the research center as of September 1, 2019: Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences.
The basic function of the Research Center is to conduct astronomical and geological (geographical, geological and geochemical) research, to carry out exploratory research (basic research), to prepare its results for use and to publish them; conducting theoretical studies, observatory, field and laboratory measurements necessary for exploratory research, developing scientific instruments and methods, as well as scientific processing and publication of measurement data, maintaining observatories and establishing new ones if necessary.
Equal Opportunities
CSFK Gender Report 2022 | CSFK Nemi Esélyegyenlőségi Jelentés 2022
A rangos Nature Scientific Reports folyóiratban publikáltak a CSFK kutatói
A városiasodás következtében az épített területek széleskörű fejlesztése gyakran a helyi geológiai és geomorfológiai […]
Kiváló Kutatási Infrastruktúra címet kapott a HUN-REN CSFK GEOLAB
A Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal (NKFI Hivatal) 2024-ben felhívást tett közzé a […]