According to the Law concerning the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), External Counselling Bodies (ECBs, in Hungarian: KTT-k), composed of respected members of the Hungarian and foreign scientific communities, are to assist the work of MTA’s research centres and institutes. The Body should represent scientific excellence, independence, and be firmly dedicated to the support of original and productive research. The renewal of ECBs is based on the nomination of the respective DG-s, of the corresponding scientific sections of MTA, and of MTA’s Council of Research Institutes.
A MTA Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont KTT-tagjai 2016-2019 között: ÁDÁM József r. t. (BME, Budapest) elnök, Sierd CLOETINGH, az MTA tiszteleti tagja (Utrecht University), CSABAI István DSc (ELTE, Budapest), KLINGHAMMER István r. t. (ELTE, Budapest), KURTZ Don PhD(UCL, Preston), PÓSFAI Mihály r.t. (PE, Veszprém), RYBACH László/Ladislaus, az MTA külső tagja (ETH, Zürich).
The first meeting of the new ECB will be held in Budapest from 30 January 2017 to 1 February 2017.