OUR NCEP projects
ERA-NET COFUND/EJP COFUND - Organic and inorganic carbon dynamics of calcareous soils
- name of the beneficiary: Research Centre for Astronomical and Earth Sciences
- project title: Organic and inorganic carbon dynamics of calcareous soils
- the amount of the grant contracted: HUF 54.135.000.-
- intensity (%): 100%
- project description: The consortium of France, Hungary, Canada and Italy aims to study a wide range of soils with diverse organic (SOC) and inorganic (SIC) carbon content, quality and dynamics. The research focuses on the study of the solid phases of SOC and SIC using a large database of topsoil (0-30 cm) and subsoil (greater than 30 cm) samples with different land use (farmed or uncultivated) and bedrock (0-30 cm), with variable composition and origin, and a large number of samples (about 350). By analysing these samples, the project member countries are tasked to i) determine the SOC and SIC contents and isotopically characterise the different SOC and SIC forms; ii) identify the organic matter stabilisation mechanisms for different SIC forms and iii) investigate the organic and inorganic contribution of carbon fluxes between soils and the atmosphere by setting up incubation experiments. The expected results may contribute to gaining a more detailed picture of the organic matter degradation process in carbonate soils of diverse composition and land use.
- Press release
- Expected project completion date: 14.04.2025.
- Project ID number: 2019-2.1.7-ERA-NET-2022-00037
- International project website: https://www.umr-ecosols.fr/en/recherche/projects/17-projets/247-sic-soc-dyn
NCEP - Water quality, ecological and food safety risks of certain EDC residues in treated and untreated municipal wastewater in the Budapest Metropolitan Area and risk reduction improvements
- name of beneficiary: MTA CSFK - Szent István University - AQUAPROFIT Zrt. - UTB ENVIROTEC Zrt. Consortium
- project title: Water quality, ecological and food safety risks of certain EDC residues in treated and untreated municipal wastewater in the Budapest urban area and risk reduction improvements
- the amount of aid contracted: HUF
- intensity (%): 89,96%
- Description of the project content: the aim of the project is to assess the wastewater - mineral water, drinking water and wastewater - soil - food cycles for various heavy metals and certain pharmaceutical residues as EDC contaminants (EDCs: endocrine disrupters; endocrine disruptors), mapping each cycle in order to obtain a clear picture of the occurrence of the compounds, their distribution in the different elements of the chain, exposure to the population and possible points of intervention.
- The basic research will investigate the actual number and spatial distribution of the population of the Budapest urban area. In addition to the regular municipal wastewater treatment, the pathways of EDCs in diffuse pollution areas will be investigated by means of several sampling campaigns and soil and geochemical laboratory tests. The task is to determine the presence of EDCs in many media (soil, rock, groundwater, surface water, etc.) and the magnitude of the hazard.
- Expected project completion date: 30 November 2019.
- Project identification number: NVKP_16-1-2016-0003
- Project website: http://geohidrobma.mtafki.hu/
2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2021-00309 - Development of cost-effective adsorbents and water filtration charges for high-risk drug residues
The aim of the project is to develop new cost-effective adsorbents, marketable water filtration media based on these adsorbents, and related technology and service systems for the riskiest pharmaceuticals. The project aims to carry out an internationally significant development and to bring the resulting products to the domestic and international market, in which Hegykői Mezőgazdasági Zrt. will join the partners responsible for research and development (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences–CSFK, University of Pannonia–PE) as a market player responsible for the production of raw materials and product distribution.
The work will investigate the adsorption of the most risky pharmaceuticals in most water types, including drinking water, on various cost-effective and "green" adsorbents (mainly agricultural and animal feed by-products, wastes, unused or under-utilised crops, product residues). Based on these results, we plan to develop adsorption materials, charges and charge development for different water bodies and water types to remove pharmaceuticals.
Targeted water types:
• treated wastewater (industrial wastewater treatment plants, municipal plants, livestock farms)
• surface water, including irrigation water, waters used for fishing (fish ponds)
• water abstraction for drinking water (food and beverage, ’premium’ water extraction)
The types of water have different market segments, which are assessed in a separate chapter.
In addition to pharmaceuticals, the removal efficiency of some other organic and inorganic contaminants (e.g. microplastics, metals, high total salt content) is also investigated.
- Type of contract:deed of support
- Project title: Development of cost-effective adsorbents and water filtration charges for high-risk drug residues
- Project duration: 01 Oct 2021 – 30 Sept 2025
- Total project cost: HUF 1 195 277 660
- Research type: R&D
- Consortium leader: Hegykői Mezőgazdasági Zrt.
- Consortium partners: Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, University of Pannonia
- Project ID number: 2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2021-00309
OUR GINOP Projects
GINOP - Cosmic Impacts and Risks
- name of the beneficiary: Research Centre for Astronomical and Earth Sciences
- project title: Cosmic Impacts and Risks
- The amount of grant contracted: HUF 941.109.185.-
- intensity (%): 100%
- About the project: the four-year project, which started on 3 October, aims to assess the real threat posed by celestial bodies approaching our planet.
The consortium will bring together around thirty researchers and technicians to create a unique research workshop in the world, by acquiring and developing state-of-the-art measuring instruments. The scientific objectives of the project are to discover and study the gravitational gravitational pull of small planets, to monitor the impact of celestial bodies on the Moon, to detect meteors and fireballs in our atmosphere by optical and radar means, and to better understand the physics of atmospheric explosions. Such a concentration of different areas of the subject allows for an unparalleled breadth of studies. Read more at the link. LINK - Project ID number: GINOP
- Project ID number: GINOP
- Project website: https://www.csillagaszat.hu/kozmikus-hatasok-es-kockazatok/
- Results communication publication on the implementation of the project
GINOP - Transient Astrophysical Objects
- name of the beneficiary: Research Centre for Astronomical and Earth Sciences
- Consortium partner: University of Szeged
- project title: Transient Astrophysical Objects
- The amount of grant contracted: HUF 687.369.737.
- intensity (%): 100%
- Description of the project content: the primary objective of the project is to discover and investigate new astrophysical phenomena of unknown or poorly understood nature that arise under very different conditions from those on Earth. Examples include high-energy stellar explosions (supernovae), gamma-ray bursts, merging neutron stars or black holes, and other similarly extreme processes. To study all these, the consortium will develop and deploy a new dedicated robotic telescope system in Hungarian observatories, operating automatically. These state-of-the-art telescopes will also serve to renew the observational astronomy instrumentation in Hungary. LINK
- Planned completion date of the project: 31 May 2021
- Project identification number: GINOP
- Project website: https://csillagaszat.hu/tranziensobjektumok/
- Results communication publication on the implementation of the project

Interreg Hungary-Slovakia Programme
- Name of the Programme: Interreg Hungary-Slovakia Programme
- Project title: Reduction of water pollution through wastewater treatment investments in the Ipoly/Ipeľ river basin
- Project short title: #CLEANWATER
- Start: 01.06.2024.
- End: 30.11.2026.
- Consortium members:
- Lead partner: HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
- Partners: DMRV Duna Menti Regionális Vízmű Zrt., Ipolynyék Község (Obec Vinica) (Slovakia)
- Total project cost: 1 908 333,72 EUR
- Total EU contribution: 1 526 666,97 EUR
- Total cost of the HUN-REN CSFK: EUR 508 620 EUR
- EU contribution to the HUN-REN CSFK: 406 896 EUR
- Hungarian State co-financing: 101 724 EUR
The catchment of the River Ipeľ is a basin of small rivers and streams exposed to anthropogenic pollution. Streams and rivers are the receiving effluents of many small wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The project aims to reduce water pollution by upgrading two WWTPs and establishing the efficient removal of persistent micropollutants with quaternary treatment. The tasks of the partners:
- 1. HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences (Hungary): Investigation of the micropollutant load of surface water, groundwater, and drinking water in the CRI, planning innovative fourth wastewater treatment steps
- 2. DMRV Duna Menti Regionális Vízmű Zrt. (Hungary): A new screw press will be installed at the Nógrád WWTP to dewater the sludge.
- 3. Ipolynyék Község (Obec Vinica) (Slovakia): The aim of this project part is to modernize the technology of WWTP and plan the sewage network of Vinica connected to the reconstructed WWTP.