Skulteti A., Kereszturi A. 2020. Mid-infrared spectroscopic investigation of meteorites and perspectives for thermal infrared observations at the binary asteroid Didymos. Planetary ad Space Science 184, 104855.
Pal B., Kereszturi A. 2020. Annual and daily ideal periods for deliquescence at the landing site of InSight based on GCM model calculations. Icarus 340, 113639.
Kereszturi A., Petrik A. 2020. Age determination for valley networks on Mars using tectonic-fluvial interaction. Planetary and Space Science 180, 104754.
Pál B., Kereszturi Á., Forget F., Smith M.D. 2019. Global seasonal variations of the near-surface relative humidity levels on present-day Mars. Icarus 333, 481-495.
Góbi S., Kereszturi A. 2019. Analyzing the role of interfacial water on sulfate formation on present Mars. Icarus 322, 135-143.
Kereszturi A., Steinmann V. 2019 .Terra-mare comparison of small young craters on the Moon. Icarus 322, 54-68.
Kereszturi A., Duvet L., Grof Gy., Gyenis A., Kapui Zs., Kovacs B., Maros Gy., Gyenis T. 2019. Characterization and first results of the planetary borehole-wall imager – methods to develop for in-situ exploration. Open Astronomy 28, 1-13.
Kereszturi A., Kapui Zs., Ori G.G., Taj-Eddine K., Ujvari G. 2018. Mars-Relevant Field Experiences in Morocco: The Importance of Spatial Scales and Subsurface Exploration. Astrobiology 18, 1329-1350.
Kapui Zs., Kereszturi A., Kiss K., Szalai Z., Újvari G., Hickman-Lewis K., Foucher F., Westall F. 2018. Fluvial or aeolian grains? Separation of transport agents on Mars using Earth analogue observations. Planetary and Space Science 163, 56–76.
Lugaro M., Ott U., Kereszturi A. 2018. Radioactive nuclei from cosmochronology to habitability Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 102, 1-47.
Séjourné A., Costard F., Swirad Z.M., Losiak A., Bouley S., Smith M., Balme M.R., Orgel Cs., Ramsdale J., Hauber E., Conway S., van Gasselt S., Reiss D., Johnsson A., Gallagher C., Skinner J.A., Kereszturi A., Platz T . 2018. Grid-mapping the northern plains of Mars: using morphotype and distribution of ice-related landforms to understand multiple ice-rich deposits in Utopia Planitia. Journal of Geophysical Research 124, 483-503.
Orgel Cs., Hauber E., van Gasselt S., Reiss D., Johnsson A., Ramsdale J.D., Smith I., Swirad Z.M., Séjourné A., Wilson J.T., Balme M.R., Conway S.J., Costard F., Eke V.R., Gallagher C., Kereszturi A., Losiak A., Massey R.J., Platz T., Skinner J.A., Teodoro L.F.A. 2018. Gridmapping the Northern Plains of Mars: A New Overview of Recent Water- and Ice-Related Landforms in Acidalia Planitia. Journal of Gephysical Research 124, 454-482,
Bowles N. E. et al. ... Kereszturi A. 2018. CASTAway: An Asteroid Main Belt Tour and Survey. Advances in Space Research 62, 1998-2025.
Kereszturi A., Fintor K., Gyollai Gy., Kereszty Zs., Szabo M., Szalai Z., Walter H. 2018. Shock heterogeneity and shock history of the recently found ordinary Csátalja chondrite in Hungary. 2018. Geological Quarterly 62, 433-446.
Steinmann V., Kereszturi A. 2018. Crater staistics: impact crater analysis for age estimation of planetary surfaces. Advances in Environmental Research 63, 249-262.
Kereszturi A., Kanuchova Z., Dartnell L., Hauber E. 2018. The paleo-environment reconstruction on Mars: focus points for the next astrobiology missions. Ed.: Mehler N., Research Advances in Astronomy, Nova Science Publisher Inc., New York, p. 49-88.
Kereszturi A., Orgel Cs. 2018. Proposed elements and an approach to evaluate the astrobiology potential of landing sites on Mars. Ed.: Mehler N., Research Advances in Astronomy, Nova Science Publisher Inc., New York. p. 89-118.
Pal B., Kereszturi A., 2018. Searching for liquid water on the surface of present day Mars. Ed.: Mehler N., Research Advances in Astronomy, Nova Science Publisher Inc., New York. p. 49-88.
Pál B., Kereszturi A. 2017. Possibility of microscopic liquid water formation at landing sites on Mars and their observational potential. Icarus 282, 84–92.
Fulvio D., Góbi S., Jäger C., Kereszturi A., Henning T. 2017. Laboratory Experiments on the Low-temperature Formation of Carbonaceous Grains in the ISM. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 233:14 (11pp)
Gyollai, I., Kereszturi, Á., Kereszty, Z., Szabó, M., Chatzitheodoridis, E. (2017). Shock-induced alterations in the recently found H chondrite Csátalja meteorite and its implications. Central European Geology, 60(2), 173-200.
Ramsdale, J. D.; Balme, M. R.; Conway, S. J.; Gallagher, C.; van Gasselt, S. A.; Hauber, E.; Orgel, Cs.; Séjourné, A.; Skinner, J. A.; Costard, F.; Johnsson, A.; Losiak, A.; Reiss, D.; Swirad, Z. M.; Kereszturi, A.; Smith, I. B.; Platz, T. 2017. Grid-based mapping: A method for rapidly determining the spatial distributions of small features over very large areas. Planetary and Space Science 140, 49-61.
Góbi S., Kereszturi A. 2017. Role of serpentinisation in the thermal and connected mineral evolution of planetesimals – evaluating possible consequences for exoplanetary systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 466, 2099-2110.
Kereszturi A., Steinmann V., 2017. Characteristics of small young lunar impact craters focusing on current production and degradation on the Moon. Planetary and Space Science 148, 12-27.
Kereszturi, A. 2017. Meteorite-Based Reconstruction of Processes Inside Protoplanets. In: Griffith R, Hansen, S. (eds) Meteorites: Classification, chemical composition, and impacts. New York: Nova Science Publishers, p. 17-28.
Kereszturi A., Gyollai I., Jozsa S., Kanuchova Z. 2017. Accretional and alterational differences in a carbonaceous chondrite parent body: Evidence from the NWA 5491 CV3 meteorite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52, 428-442.
Kereszturi A., Gyollai I., Kereszty Zs., Kiss K., Szabo M., Szalai Z., Ringer M., Veres M. 2017. Analyzing Raman – Infrared spectral correlation in the recently found meteorite Csatalja. Spectrochimica Acta Part A. 173, 637-646.
Domagal-Goldman S.D. et al. ... Kereszturi A. 2016 The Astrobiology Primer v2.0. Astrobiology 16(8): 561-653.
Kereszturi A., Noack L. 2016. Review on the role of planetary factors on habitability. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 46, 473-486.
Kereszturi A., Chathiteodoridis E. 2016. Searching for the source crater of nakhlite meteorites. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 46, 455-471.
Kereszturi A., Bradak B., Chatzitheodoridis E., Ujvari G. 2016. Indicators and Methods to Understand Past Environments from ExoMars Rover Drills. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 46, 435-454.
Kereszturi A., Rivera-Valentin E. 2016. Possible water lubricated grain movement in the circumpolar region of Mars. Planetary and Space Science 125, 130-146.
Dobos V., Kereszturi A, Pál Á., Kiss L.L. 2016. Possibility for albedo estimation of exomoons: Why should we care about M dwarfs? Astronomy and Astrophysics 592, id.A139, 13 pp.
Hargitai, H. and Kereszturi, A. 2015. Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms, Springer (printed: ISBN 978-1-4614-3133-6 eBook: ISBN 978-1-4614-3134-3) New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London.
Kereszturi A., Ormandi Sz., Jozsa S. 2015. Possible melting produced chondrule destruction in NWA 6604 CK4 chondrite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50, 1295-1309. pdf
Kereszturi A., Ormandi Sz., Jozsa S. 2015. Processing in a transitional environment of CV and CK chondrites' parent bodies in the light of mineralogical and petrological analysis of NWA 1465 CV3 meteorite. Planetary and Space Science 109-110, 175-186. pdf
Kereszturi, A.; Madarász, B.; Örsi, A.; Hargitai, H. 2015. Topography Based Surface Analysis and Morphological Correlation at the Northern Plains of Mars. 27th International Cartographic Conference, 16th General Assembly, August 23-28, 2015 | Rio de Janeiro / Brazil, International Cartographic Association, ISBN 978-85-88783-11-9. pdf
Kereszturi A. 2015. Fluvial geomorphology of Mars: background to separae biogenic and abogen effects and identify climate change reated features. In: Fluvial geomorphology and riparian vegetation. Ed: Noel Duncan. Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, ISBN: 978-1-63482-486-6. p. 81-89. website
Kereszturi A., Gobi S. 2014. Possibility of H2O2 decomposition in thin liquid films on Mars. Planetary and Space Science 103, 153-166. pdf
Kereszturi A., Ormandi Sz., Jozsa S., Szabo M., Toth M. 2014. Analysis of ripple or flow-like features in NWA 3118 CV3 meteorite. Planetary and Space Science 104, 200-210. pdf
Kereszturi A. 2014. Case study of climatic changes in Martian fluvial systems at Xanthe Terra. Planetary and Space Science 96, 35-50. pdf
Kereszturi A. 2014. Surface processes in microgravity for landing and sampling site selection of asteroid missions – suggestions for MarcoPolo-R. Planertary and Space Science 101, 65-76. pdf
Kereszturi A., Blumberger Z., Józsa S., May Z., Müller A., Szabó M., Tóth M. 2014. Alteration processes in the CV chondrite parent body based on analysis of NWA 2086 meteorite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 49(8), 1350–1364. pdf
Kereszturi A., Appere T. 2014. Searching for springtime zonal liquid interfacial water on Mars. Icarus 238, 66-76. pdf
Kereszturi A., Gyollai I., Szabó M. 2014. Case study of chondrule alteration with IR spectroscopy in NWA 2086 CV3 meteorite. Planetary and Space Science 106, 122-131. pdf
Kereszturi A., Madarász B., Örsi A. 2014. Domborzat alapú felszín elemzés és morfológiai korreláció a Mars északi síkságára. Geomatikai Közlemények XVII. 93-100.
Kereszturi A., Gucsik A., Nakamura T., Nishido H., Ninagawa K., and Kayama M. 2014. Impacts on Airless Objects under Microgravity and Possible Related Structures in Itokawa Asteroid Sample. International Journal of Condensed Matter, Advanced Materials, and Superconductivity Research 13(1), 21-36.
Kereszturi A. 2013. Paleoflood reconstruction in the Gale crater of Mars. Astronomische Nachrichten 334, 9, 944-947. pdf
Kereszturi A. 2013. Sampling Possible Subsurface Niches on Mars: Targeting Astrobiological Missions. In: Mars: Evolution, Geology and Exploration. Editors: A. G. Fairen ,Nova Publisher, ISBN: 978-1-62618-102-1, p. 193-212.
Orgel, C., Kereszturi, A., Váczi, T., Groemer, G., Sattler, B. 2013: Scientific Results and Lessons Learned from an Integrated Crewed Mars Exploration Simulation at the Rio Tinto Mars Analogue Site. Acta Astronautica 94(2), 736–748.
Kereszturi A., Keszthelyi Zs. 2013. Astrobiological implications of chaos terrains on Europa to help targeting future missions. Planetary and Space Science 77, 74-90. science direct
Krebsz M., Garenne A., Quirico E., Bonal L., Beck P., Vuitton V., Thissen R., Flandinet L., Schmitt B., Kereszturi A. 2013. New insights into the composition of wax-like materials in chondrites. 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, abstract 5131. pdf
Kereszturi A., Blumberger Z. 2013. Processing in early planetesimals: evidences from a CV chondrite on fragmentation, reacummulation and hydrothermal alteration. Workshop on Planetesimal Formation and Differentiation, abstract 8044.
Mészáros M., Ditrói-Puskás Z., Váczi T., Kereszturi A. 2013. A new petrological study of Nyírábrány, an ordinary chondrite from Hungary. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract 1477. pdf
Kereszturi A. 2013. An unnamed fluvial valley system formed under different climates at Xanthe Terra, Mars. Planetary and SpaceScience 85, 220-231. science direct
Kereszturi A., Hargitai H., Merk Zs. 2013. Science and art in landing site visualization. in: Bircsák E. :Data is Beautiful Conference, January 21, 2013 Budapest, published by kitchenbudapest. p. 44-51.
Presentations, conference posters
Mojzsis S., Abramov O., Kereszturi A. 2015. Exogenous carbonaceous matter in ancient martian sediments. AGU 2015 Fall Meeting, abstract 66392.
Pál B., Kereszturi A. 2015. On the hunt for liquid water at candidate ExoMars landing sites based on meteorological modeling. International Conference of Physics Students.
Rouillé G., Krasnokutski S.A., Krebsz M., Jäger C., Huisken F., Henning T. 2013. Cosmic dust formation at cryogenic temperatures. The Life Cycle of Dust in the Universe: Observations, Theory, and Laboratory Experiments conference. 18-22 November, Taipei, Taiwan. pdf
Krebsz M. 2013. New insights into the composition of wax-like materials in chondrites. Planetology and Geochemistry Symposium Program, Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research (invited oral)
Kereszturi A. 2013. Mars analogs related research activity at MTA CSFK, Hungary. MARS2013 Networking Meeting 25-26May 2013, Vienna University of Technology, Austria (invited oral)
Kereszturi A.2013. Water, salt and life – astrobiology lessons from Mars. Collaboration on the Origin of life (COOL EDGE) workshop, CERN, Switzerland (invited oral)
Sánchez-Bayton M., Herraiz M., Kereszturi A., Fodor E. 2013. Comparison of terrestrial cinder cones and candidate volcanic cones in the northern circumpolar region of Mars. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract 1977.
Kereszturi A. 2013, Földtudományi módszerekkel a Földön kívüli víz nyomában. Új eredmények a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia által támogatott földtudományi kutatások köréből, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia,2013.02.14. (invited oral)
Dulai S., deVera J.-P., Kereszturi A., Koncz L., Lorek A., Marschall M., Möhlmann D., Pocs T. 2013. Surveying the survival of cyanobacteria in cryptobiotic crust under Martian conditions. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract 1971.
Kereszturi A., Appere T., Rivera-Valentin E. 2013. Thin Liquid Water Films on Present-Day Mars. Present day habitability of Mars conference, 4-6 February, UCLA.
Kereszturi A. 2013. A Mars geológiája: milyen földtudományra tanít a vörös bolygó? Új utak a földtudományban előadónap, Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet, 2013.03.20. (invited oral)
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