Astromineralogy Workshop III. (2014)
September 29-30, 2014, Budapest
After the successful Astromineralogy Workshop I. and Astromineralogy Workshop II., the Astromineralogy Workshop III. was orgnized at Budapest in the autumn of 2014, at the Research Center for Astronomy and Earth Sciences. The meeting covered the topic from dust in the forming planetary systems, meteorites, next ESA missions and space telescopes to analyse planetary bodies and dust in other planetary systems. The aim of the workshop was partly to identify those fields where laboratory based analysis of cosmic materials has great potential and such work could be connected to Solar System missions in Hungary (as a new ESA member state) and collaborating countries.
Location: Konkoly Thege Miklos Astronomical Institute, H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 15-17.
Local Organizing Committee: Akos Kereszturi, Péter Ábrahám, Attila Demény
Participation is free but indication beforehand by email is welcomed at
Monday September 29. Morning session (scheduled talk durations include 5 min for discussion):
- 09.00 Opening talk (Peter Abraham)
- 09.15 Current cosmic material analysis projects at CSFK (Akos Kereszturi)
- 09.45 Solar System in the ESA science programme (Luigi Colangeli)
- 10.30 Coffee break
- 11.00 Dating the prehistory of the Solar System using meteoritic analysis and stellar models (online presentation of Maria Lugaro)
- 11.15 The outbursts of young stars: impact on planet formation (Agnes Kospal)
- 11.30 The composition of dust in oxygen-rich AGB stars: keys to understanding the mass loss mechanism (Rens Waters)
- 12.15 lunch break (sandwiches at the conference site)
Monday afternoon session:
- 13.15 Laboratory and planetary science related activites at IPAG (Bernard Schmitt)
- 14.00 The albedo-color diversity of transneptunian objects (Kiss Csaba)
- 14.15 Analysis of Itokawa asteroid smaples (Arnold Gucsik)
- 14.30 Coffee break
- 15.00 Cosmic dust in the laboratory: from molecules to solids (Cornelia Jaeger)
- 15.45 Carbon chains and C2H2 in Ar matrix to understand interstellar dust formation (Sandor Gobi)
- 16.00 Analytical potential and experience of the MFGI on geologic, cosmogenic and anthropogenic materials (Gyorgy Falus)
- 16.15 Neutron-based element analysis and imaging techniques at the Budapest Research Reactor (Zsolt Kasztovszky)
- 16.30 Meteorites related analyzing technologies at ATOMKI (Mihaly Molnar)
- 16.45 Infrared spectroscopy and microscopy on nanostructures (Katalin Kamaras)
- 17.00 Visit at the laboratories of the Astronomical Institute
- 17.30 Closed panel discussion (for invited foreign participants)
- 19.30 Conference dinner (for invited foreign participants)
Tuesday September 30. Morning session:
- 9.00 Guided visit at the laboratories of the Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research (Jozsef Fekete, Attila Demény)
- 12.00 lunch
The meeting was supported by the TÉT_12_FR-1-2013-0023 and the COST TD 1308 projects.
Some images of the workshop can be seen below.
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